E.ON Global team wanted to transform and make a visual difference across their entire global B2B global website. We made sure the new UX had a light touch, making sure content was relevant and easy to digest. The new branded look and feel allowed us to develop E.ON's business strategy of being 'Creative with Energy'. This was bought this to life with new B2B global case studies showcasing where E.ON had transformed businesses around the world with creative energy solutions.
Working with creative artists like Chris Labrooy, Main Frame, Mr. Kaplin and Wilson Hennessy we created a number of animated films that bought these case studies to life.
(BELOW: E.ON B2B website pages with new case studies)
Creative credits:
Art Directors/designers: Simon Nicholls, James Fairburn
Copy writers: Scott Vaux-Nobes, Helen Sharp
Engine Senior Integrated project director: James Wilson
ECD: Grant Parker,
CGi Animations: Chris Labrooy,
Wilson Henessy, Mainframe, Mr.Kaplin
Art Directors/designers: Simon Nicholls, James Fairburn
Copy writers: Scott Vaux-Nobes, Helen Sharp
Engine Senior Integrated project director: James Wilson
ECD: Grant Parker,
CGi Animations: Chris Labrooy,
Wilson Henessy, Mainframe, Mr.Kaplin